Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Global Mobilization-A point of No Return!

The Perfect Match - Internet and Mobile Communication

Global Mobilization has arrived. The most recent study carried out by Columbia University's professors,  Peter A. Johnson and Joseph on Plummer on the Mobile Marketing and its economic impact, already indicates this inevitable trend, the World is going mobile.  In this study commissioned by the Mobile Marketing Association and sponsored amongst other, by Google, mBlox, and CocaCola, the professor concluded that mobile marketing in combo with the easily Internet connection is impacting global economic and internet marketing.


Top 100 most Valuable global brand for 2013 (BRANZ Research Services)business players based on their stock market are following this trending on mobile marketing. Leaded by the technology sector, Apple first placed, followed by  Google (2), and IBM (3) all are in the mobile revolutionary market.  Even MacDonald (4), and CocaCola (5), ATT (6),  Amazon (14) and many others had already noticed the uptrend waves and are making their moves toward mobile marketing. Some of them had starting the acquisition of powerful social media platforms, like Tumblr, Youtube and Pinterest for billions of dollar, why? Because of the  growing networking potential emerging from mobiles user all over the world.

Major Mobile Marketing Finding:

  • ..".exhibits remarkable levels of investment for an industry so young: $6.7 billion spent on it by client-side marketers and retailers across all industries in 2012, a figure likely to reach almost $20 billion by 2015;
  • ...contributes even more impressive levels of incremental output to the U.S. economy: $139 billion in 2012, and reaching $400 billion by 2015, with at least 85% of this sales impact taking place in “off-line”, “brick and mortar” locations;
  • ...currently sustains over a half million jobs in 2012, and will likely support upwards of a million and a half workers by 2015, including both direct and indirect employees; in fact, every single employee in a direct mobile marketing communications role will support over 23 workers in non-mobile occupations throughout all 50 states and the District of Columbia in that year. " (from Mobile Marketing Association commissioned this study in the summer of 2012). 

But what mobile marketing is?

According to the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), “Mobile marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.”  The aforementioned  study focused on 7 major niches of the Mobile Marketing:

(1) Mobile Voice,
(2) SMS/MMS,
(3) Mobile Email,
(4) Mobile Web,
(5) Mobile Apps,
(6) Proximity (Bluetooth, NFC, RFID),
(7) Recognition (primarily QR codes, audio & image scanning, etc.). 

U.S.—published figures estimate that over 85% of the American adult population has a mobile subscription, the great majority of which are at 3G speeds, or faster—the mobile phone as a vehicle for exchanging phone calls is but a tiny piece of the communications platform on which mobile marketing rests 

The study Conclude three major implications based on the new communication habits in the population:
  1. Today’s mobile device is a toolkit of multiple media for majority of users. We uses like an electronic "rosa de los vientos"  a communications  of virtual networking ecosystems, each of them having it's defining technical attributes its own folklore. These devices are redefining the entire media landscape and creating a variety of “mobile microclimates” based on the varying combinations of devices people choose to employ for particular places and purposes as they travel through their daily lives. For marketers, understanding mobile microclimates such as “show-rooming” is the heart of the mobile marketing challenge and opportunity.  For marketers, understanding mobile microclimates such as “show-rooming” is the heart of the mobile marketing challenge and opportunity.
  2. The US people, are adopting an increasing variety of smart mobile devices (such as iPods, iPads-Video Instructionals, mini tablets, and e-readers) that are no less mobile than their phones and, from a marketing standpoint, but could it become even more valuable.
  3. Marketers are still very static in the way they measure marketing communications based on assumptions and resources, systems that, except for those on go (out-of-home) advertising and drive-time radio.  They still bearing the wrong paradigm that content and marketing communications are distributed in discrete, self-contained chunks and that viewership, readership, and listenership take place at certain fixed spots at certain appointed hours and not like is happening in front of them.  A FACE to FACE live mobile interactions.
Top smartphones

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